What did I do in HFLS


2020-11-29 00:57:55


(This is a writing assignment, I wanna get fewer grammar mistakes, so I sent it online to check if there is any.) ## First day at school "Welcome to HFLS, a planet of freedom." A picture on the hallway reminded me of my life in HFLS. It was the first day of school. "We have to choose someone to sit front to make sure there's no-one talking. Yummy, you're chosen." I was surprised. Actually, I don't want to be treated differently because of my parents. Staying front, doing nothing always makes me bored. I looked around, found a girl reading *Mathematic Girls*. I've heard of that book, which combines Romance and Mathmetic together. Unfortunately, for fear that I would be criticized as a boy only interested in romance, I didn't get any allowance from my parents. "You're reading that book? I've heard of that once! Can I take a look?" I said, couldn't stop my excitement. "Sure." "So, why did you choose me at the first day?" The math teacher said, "When I saw your name, I was really interested in it." --- (That's the end of the assignment, and if you wanna know what happened next... ) (The sound of a pigeon.)