Required Length


给定两个正整数n,x,对于每个x,在其中截取一位10进制数字y,与x相乘得到x’, 按上述操作,求出当x的位数与n相等时的最少操作次数


You are given two integer numbers, $ n $ and $ x $ . You may perform several operations with the integer $ x $ . Each operation you perform is the following one: choose any digit $ y $ that occurs in the decimal representation of $ x $ at least once, and replace $ x $ by $ x \cdot y $ . You want to make the length of decimal representation of $ x $ (without leading zeroes) equal to $ n $ . What is the minimum number of operations required to do that?



The only line of the input contains two integers $ n $ and $ x $ ( $ 2 \le n \le 19 $ ; $ 1 \le x < 10^{n-1} $ ).


Print one integer — the minimum number of operations required to make the length of decimal representation of $ x $ (without leading zeroes) equal to $ n $ , or $ -1 $ if it is impossible.


输入样例 #1

2 1

输出样例 #1


输入样例 #2

3 2

输出样例 #2


输入样例 #3

13 42

输出样例 #3



In the second example, the following sequence of operations achieves the goal: 1. multiply $ x $ by $ 2 $ , so $ x = 2 \cdot 2 = 4 $ ; 2. multiply $ x $ by $ 4 $ , so $ x = 4 \cdot 4 = 16 $ ; 3. multiply $ x $ by $ 6 $ , so $ x = 16 \cdot 6 = 96 $ ; 4. multiply $ x $ by $ 9 $ , so $ x = 96 \cdot 9 = 864 $ .