[USACO17DEC] My Cow Ate My Homework S


### 题目描述 在你的牛历史课上,你被布置了一份相当长的作业,包含 $N$ 个问题($3 \leq N \leq 100,000$),每个问题的得分是一个在 0 到 10,000 之间的整数。按照惯例,你的老师计划通过去掉你得分最低的一个问题,然后对剩余问题的得分取平均来给出最终成绩。不幸的是,你的宠物奶牛 Bessie 刚刚吃掉了你前 $K$ 个问题的答案!($K$ 可能小到 1,也可能大到 $N-2$)。 经过多次解释,你的老师终于相信了你的说法,并同意按照之前的方式对剩余的未被吃掉的部分作业进行评分——即去掉得分最低的问题(或在得分相同的情况下去掉其中一个),然后对剩余问题取平均。 请输出所有能够使你获得最高可能成绩的 $K$ 值,并按升序排列。 ### 输入格式 输入的第一行包含 $N$,第二行包含 $N$ 个作业问题的得分。 ### 输出格式 请逐行输出所有能够使你获得最高可能成绩的 $K$ 值。 ### 说明/提示 如果 Bessie 吃掉了前两个问题,那么剩余的得分是 9、2 和 7。去掉最低分并取平均后,最终成绩为 8,这是可能的最高成绩。


In your bovine history class, you have been given a rather long homework assignment with $N$ questions ($3 \leq N \leq 100,000$), each graded with an integer score in the range 0...10,000. As is often customary, your teacher plans to assign a final grade by discarding a question on which you received the lowest score and then averaging the remaining scores together. Unfortunately, your pet cow Bessie has just eaten your answers to the first $K$ questions! ($K$ could be as small as 1 or as large as $N-2$). After copious explanation, your teacher finally believes your story, and agrees to grade the remaining non-eaten part of the assignment the same way as before -- by removing the lowest-scoring question (or one such question, in the event of a tie) and averaging the rest. Please output all values of $K$ which would have earned you the maximum possible score according to this grading scheme, in sorted order.



The first line of input contains $N$, and the next line contains the scores on the $N$ homework questions.


Please output, one value per line, all values of $K$ which would have earned you the maximum possible score.


输入样例 #1

3 1 9 2 7

输出样例 #1



If Bessie eats the first two questions, then the remaining scores are 9, 2, and 7. Removing the minimum and averaging, we get a final grade of 8, which is the highest possible.