[NWRRC2016] Boys and Girls


### 题目描述 Bob在他那本给孩子们的旧数学书中找到了一个好任务。上面写着: 有 $10$ 个孩子站成一个圆圈,其中 $5$ 个站在一个男孩旁边, $7$ 个站在一个女孩旁边。如何解决这个任务? 这个任务的解决方案如下:如果 $4$ 个男孩和 $6$ 个女孩像这样站着:$bgbgbbggg$,那么有 555 个孩子站在一个男孩旁边(用粗体字标记:b**g**b**g**b**g**b**g**g**g**), 777 个孩子站在一个女孩旁边(用粗体字标记:**b**g**b**g**b**g**bggg**)。 现在Bob想解决这个任务的广义版本: 有 $n$ 个孩子站在一个圆圈里,其中 $x$ 个孩子站在一个男孩旁边, $y$ 个孩子站在一个女孩旁边。如何解决这个任务? 请编写一个程序来帮助Bob解决这个任务。 ### 输入格式 一行,包括三个整数 $n$ , $x$ , $y$ 。($2≤n≤100000$; $0≤x,y≤n$) ### 输出格式 若有解,输出一个长度为 $n$ 的字符串,描述圆中元素的顺序。每个字符 $G$ 对应一个女孩,字符 $B$ 对应一个男孩。如果有多个解决方案,则输出其中任意一种。 如果没有解决方案,输出```'Impossible'``` 。(不包括引号)


Bob found a nice task in his old math book for children. It says: There are $10$ children standing in a circle, $5$ of them stand next to a boy, and $7$ of them stand next to a girl. How is it possible? Here is the solution to the task. If $4$ boys and $6$ girls stand like this: BGBGBGBGGG, there are $5$ children who stand next to a boy (here they are underlined: BGBGBGBGGG), and $7$ children who stand next to a girl $(BGBGBGBGGG).$ Now Bob wants to solve a generalized version of this task: There are $n$ children standing in a circle, $x$ of them stand next to a boy, and $y$ of them stand next to a girl. How is it possible? Help Bob by writing a program that solves the generalized task.



The single line of the input contains three integers $n , x$ and $y (2 \le n \le 100 000$ ; $0 \le x , y \le n)$ .


If there is a solution, output a string of length $n$ , describing the order of children in the circle. $Character ‘G'$ corresponds to a girl, character $‘B'$ corresponds to a boy. If there are several solutions, output any $of the_m.$ If there is no solution, output `Impossible`.


输入样例 #1

10 5 7

输出样例 #1


输入样例 #2

10 3 8

输出样例 #2



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