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# 问题 给定一组称呼和一组“忽略单词”,你要写一个程序为该列表生成KWIC索引。在KWIC索引中,对于每个关键字,含有该关键字的称呼都要出现一次。KWIC索引按关键字的字母表顺序排列。 没有在“忽略单词”中出现的任何单词都可能是关键字。 比方说,“the, of, and, as, a”是忽略单词表,下面是称呼列表: Descent of Man The Ascent of Man The Old Man and The Sea A Portrait of The Artist As a Young Man A KWIC-index of these titles might be given by: 那么这些称呼的KWIC索引就应该是(中间对齐的大写单词指出其关键字): a portrait of the ARTIST as a young man the ASCENT of man DESCENT of man descent of MAN the ascent of MAN the old MAN and the sea a portrait of the artist as a young MAN the OLD man and the sea a PORTRAIT of the artist as a young man the old man and the SEA a portrait of the artist as a YOUNG man ## 输入 输入由很多行组成,字符串“::”作为忽略单词表和称呼列表之间的区分。每个忽略单词都以小写字母表示,并独占一行,且不会超过10个字符长度。每个称呼也独占一行,且由大写或小写字母混合表示。称呼中的单词用空格隔开,所有称呼都不会超过15个单词。 最多有50个忽略单词和200个称呼,整个输入数据(包括忽略单词表和称呼列表)不会超过10,000个字符长度。不会出现除'a'-'z'和'A'-'Z'以及空格之外的任何字母。 ## 输出 要输出的是称呼的KWIC索引,对于每个称呼关键字,含有该关键字的称呼都要出现且仅出现一次,关键字按字母表顺序排列。如果一个单词在称呼中出现多于一次,那么每一次都将成为一个可能的关键字。 关键字要用大写字母输出,所有其它的字母都用小写字母。若KWIC索引中的多个称呼具有相同的关键字,则应按其在输入数据中出现的顺序输出。如果一个称呼中出现了多个相同的关键字,那么应按照大写关键字从左至右的顺序输出每一个称呼。 在确定单词是否要被忽略时不考虑大小写。 KWIC索引中的称呼无需按索引对齐,所有称呼都居左对齐即可。 ## 示例输入 is the of and as a but :: Descent of Man The Ascent of Man The Old Man and The Sea A Portrait of The Artist As a Young Man A Man is a Man but Bubblesort IS A DOG Sample Output 示例输出 a portrait of the ARTIST as a young man the ASCENT of man a man is a man but BUBBLESORT is a dog DESCENT of man a man is a man but bubblesort is a DOG descent of MAN the ascent of MAN the old MAN and the sea a portrait of the artist as a young MAN a MAN is a man but bubblesort is a dog a man is a MAN but bubblesort is a dog the OLD man and the sea a PORTRAIT of the artist as a young man the old man and the SEA a portrait of the artist as a YOUNG man 感谢@Zhou_Liya 提供的翻译


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输入样例 #1

Descent of Man
The Ascent of Man
The Old Man and The Sea
A Portrait of The Artist As a Young Man
A Man is a Man but Bubblesort IS A DOG

输出样例 #1

a portrait of the ARTIST as a young man
the ASCENT of man
a man is a man but BUBBLESORT is a dog
DESCENT of man
a man is a man but bubblesort is a DOG
descent of MAN
the ascent of MAN
the old MAN and the sea
a portrait of the artist as a young MAN
a MAN is a man but bubblesort is a dog
a man is a MAN but bubblesort is a dog
the OLD man and the sea
a PORTRAIT of the artist as a young man
the old man and the SEA
a portrait of the artist as a YOUNG man